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Galt Herald

SacRT Receives Funding for Mobility Projects

Aug 13, 2020 12:00AM ● By By Jessica Gonzalez, SacRT

SACRAMENTO, CA (MPG) – The Sacramento Regional Transit District (SacRT) announced  it has been awarded $3.75 million in Low Carbon Transit Operations Program (LCTOP) funding from Caltrans that will assist in five mobility improvement projects, which includes reimagining core bus routes through the SacRT Forward plan and supporting SacRT’s light rail modernization program.

Funding for projects include: Folsom Late Night Light Rail Service – Support continued operations of expanded evening service along the Gold Line; Route 11 Bus Service – Sustain increased days of operation, frequency during both midday and peak hour and extension of the route south from downtown to City College Station; Route 13 Bus Service –Sustain increased operation, frequency, and extension of the route north and west in to Natomas; Route 68 Bus Service – Support increased frequency during weekday peak hours and improved headways on Saturday; Low-Floor Light Rail Vehicles – purchase additional modern low-floor light rail vehicles

The LCTOP funding is another example of how SacRT is able to secure state and federal funding during these challenging times, which will help the region’s economic recovery. This year alone, SacRT has successfully competed and been awarded over $125 million dollars.

“Despite the many economic impacts created by COVID-19, SacRT continues to play a vital role for many – providing critical mobility options for thousands of front-line healthcare, public safety, grocery, and service industry workers fulfilling essential roles in our region,” said SacRT General

Manager/CEO Henry Li. “This funding will help us guarantee the longevity of transit service while improving the region’s carbon footprint by mitigating the impacts of greenhouse gas emissions.” 

The Low Carbon Transit Operations Program was created in 2014 to provide operating and capital assistance for transit agencies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve mobility, with a priority on serving disadvantaged communities. LCTOP is funded by the Cap-and-Trade Program from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. 

SacRT is the 2019 national TSA Gold Standard Security Award recipient for the highest standard of excellence. We operate approximately 81 bus routes (fixed-route, dial-a-ride and microtransit), 43 miles of light rail and 52 stations, and ADA paratransit services all within a 400-square mile service area throughout Sacramento County, which includes service in the cities of Sacramento, Citrus Heights, Folsom, Rancho Cordova and Elk Grove.