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Galt Herald

County Helps Local Businesses during Pandemic

Sep 10, 2020 12:00AM ● By By Janna Haynes, Sacramento County

Sacramento County's Economic Development Department helps businesses in the region with up-to-date information and resources. Photo by Norma Mortenson/Pexels

SACRAMENTO COUNTY, CA (MPG) - As the economic impact of COVID-19 continues to evolve, Sacramento County’s Economic Development Department is here to help businesses in the region with up-to-date information and resources. Recently, the department revamped its Business Resource Guide webpage with user-friendly industry guidelines and California’s new Blueprint to a Safer Economy featuring a tiered, color-coded system. The system makes it easier for businesses to identify new and upcoming operational modifications regulated by the State of California.  Sacramento County is currently in the State's most restrictive Purple Tier 1 (widespread).

Along with up-to-date information and resources regarding the current Public Health Order, local businesses can view a list of Financial Resources available including: Grants and Loans; Disability Insurance; Unemployment Assistance; Paid Family Leave; Work Share Programs; Utility Rate Relief.

Businesses can contact the Office of Economic Development at [email protected] for assistance. In addition to Economic Development’s resources, Sacramento County’s Department of Health Services provides a COVID-19 Hotline for Sacramento County businesses and residents who have questions about the Public Health Order. For questions about the Public Health Order, call (916) 875-2400. 

Sacramento County has also partnered with Sierra Health Foundation to hire Community Based Organizations to find and train Business Navigators. Business Navigators will provide industry-specific information and education to support small business owners’ understanding of both the Public Health Order and guidelines in order to safely re-open. Visit the Sacramento County COVID-19 Collab website for more information. 

For a complete list of industry guidelines, businesses can visit the California Department of Public Health website. For complaints about unsafe practices at businesses (e.g. face coverings, social distancing), or violations of the Health Order, dial 3-1-1 or go to Sacramento County 311 Connect, or email, [email protected].