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Galt Herald

Curbside Collection Rates Increase on March 1

Feb 24, 2021 12:00AM ● By By Laurie Slothower, Sacramento County

A rate increase will take effect March 1 for residents of the unincorporated county who receive curbside garbage, recycling, and green waste service. Photo: Sac County

SACRAMENTO COUNTY, CA (MPG) - A rate increase will take effect March 1 for residents of the unincorporated county who receive curbside garbage, recycling, and green waste service.  

Rates will increase by $5 per month for the 30-gallon, 60-gallon, and 90-gallon garbage cart sizes.  The standard level of service includes one garbage cart (size chosen by the customer), one recycling cart, and one green waste cart.  An additional increase of $5 per month will take effect Jan. 1, 2022.

The increase -- the first in 10 years -- was approved on Jan. 12 by the County Board of Supervisors and will only partially offset the increased cost to collect and process residential recycling and green waste material that is collected curbside.

The table below provides a breakdown of the approved rates:

The price for a 30 gallon Garbage Cart is currently $19.95 but will be $24.95 effective March 1, 2021. An additional increase of $5 per month will take effect Jan. 1, 2022 projected to be $29.95.

The price for a 60 gallon Garbage Cart is currently $23.55 but will be $28.55 effective March 1, 2021. An additional increase of $5 per month will take effect Jan. 1, 2022 projected to be $33.55.

The price for a 90 gallon Garbage Cart is currently $30.76 but will be $35.76 effective March 1, 2021. An additional increase of $5 per month will take effect Jan. 1, 2022 projected to be $40.76.

The Board of Supervisors also doubled the monthly rebate amount available to eligible low-income customers through the Solid Waste Lifeline Rate Assistance Program.  Effective March 1, the rebate amount will increase from $5 per month to $10 per month.

Detailed information on the cost for all rates, including the increased monthly cost for additional recycling carts, green waste carts, additional curbside service, and additional bulky waste pickups is posted at