Getting the 'Scoop' on Business
Sep 21, 2022 12:00AM ● By Story and photos by Susan Maxwell Skinner
Carmichael Chamber of Commerce supporters mark the Doo Doo-Squad's official opening.
CARMICHAEL, CA (MPG) - Seven years ago, entrepreneur Todd Miller began one of Sacramento’s most unexpected success stories. And business is still picking up.
His Doo Doo Squad service removes excrement from more than 6000 Sacramento properties per month. Recently establishing Carmichael headquarters, Miller sends out a fuel-efficient and strikingly embellished Toyota Prius fleet every morning. By day’s end, 12 technicians have scraped, shoveled and bagged dog waste from hundreds of homes.
“They’re good workers; we pay them well, with bonuses,” says the boss. “They’re doing something not everyone wants to do.” Indeed, there’s money in muck. Initially based at his Natomas home, Miller’s business boomed when pandemic lock downs inspired increased pooch adoption.
The former marketing specialist hatched his new career while helping his invalid mom pick up after her dog. “I got good at it,” he considers. “I saw a need and a niche. I decided to use my marketing skills to benefit myself, not others.” He offers a $12 per week service for dogs – large or small. Doo Doo Squad Operations Manager Missy Waddell answers calls to (916) DOG-POOP and the company’s radio jingle is a symphony to – guess what.
Workers are trained specialists. “It’s a skill set,” explains the boss. “We clean yards in far less time than it takes dog owners; we save them time and bending. If a cat poops in a customer’s yard – okay, we’ll pick that up as a courtesy. Someone once paid one of our guys to clean up after a pet tortoise. It was a big tortoise. But generally, we do dogs only.
“Our protocols ensure technicians and dogs are safe. We get to know customer’s pets and their habits. One Wiener always used the top of his master’s upturned canoe for his bathroom. In the office, everybody knew that pooch as Poops-on-Canoe.”
More routinely, Miller’s squad patrols patios, pool-sides and petunia beds. Technicians scoop, bag and dump their pungent prizes in owners’ trash cans. “We don’t bring the stuff back with us,” Miller laughs. “At the end of the day, the guys often smell like they need a shower. I let them take their cars home at night, it saves time and commuting costs. It’s not like they’d go on a date with “916 DOG-POOP” written all over their car.”
Doo Doo Squad is not unique in its services; other companies do the business elsewhere. But Miller’s operation is among the biggest of its kind in Northern California and the founder is considering franchising the name. “There will always be a call for what we do,” he reasons. “No one likes picking up poop.”
To learn more about Doo Doo Squad services, visit