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Galt Herald

Respect: A Character Trait We Embrace in Galt

May 29, 2024 02:28PM ● By Submitted by Galt Community of Character Coalition

Galt Community of Character Nomination Form

GALT, CA (MPG) - Respect has been the Galt character trait of focus for May and June each year since 2007, when the Galt Community of Character Coalition compiled results of a communitywide survey to determine the most important character values held by Galt residents.
Looking back, Galt community members surely chose respect to be one of six core values for our community because it so directly impacts our day-to-day interactions with people. Showing respect sets the tone for how we treat each other. 
As we know, respect is a character trait that involves treating others with kindness, courtesy and dignity. Respect means acknowledging the value and worth of other people, even if we may not agree with their opinions. Respect also means accepting differences and diversity, and not judging or discriminating based on superficial factors.
When we follow the Golden Rule, treating others as we would like to be treated, we are embodying respect. Respect is not only something that we give to others, but also something that we expect and deserve from others. Respect is a component of healthy relationships, whether they are personal, professional or social. Respect brings about trust, cooperation and mutual understanding among people. Respect is something that we have to earn and maintain through our actions and words.
Respect is crucial in Galt to maintain that cherished small-town feeling. In our schools and throughout our community, respect is taught, modeled and practiced. 
When we treat others with respect — our family members, our neighbors, and those with whom we interact — we maintain that friendly, small-town atmosphere that promotes dignity and trust.
Respect is such an endearing value to our community that we are eager to honor and tell the stories of those who demonstrate respect in their daily lives. 
Since 2008, the Galt Community of Character Coalition has selected 59 individuals nominated by Galt community members to honor as role models of respect. These role models are of all ages and backgrounds. 
Brandon Garcia and Marcus Helm were two young students at Valley Oaks Elementary School who demonstrated respect each day, when giving their time each morning and afternoon to raise and lower the flag at their school. They were nominated by their Principal, Annette Lane.
Robert Huarte was an outstanding girls’ soccer coach at Liberty Ranch High School who modeled respect and taught life lessons that would last far beyond the soccer season. He was nominated by Liberty Ranch Principal Joe Saramago and teacher Mike Turpin. 
Perhaps you know someone, an individual, group or organization in our community, who is a true role model of respect. The Galt Community of Character Coalition is looking for outstanding individuals, groups or organizations that are deserving of recognition for the great examples of respect that they set in their daily lives. 
Please take the time to nominate an individual or group that is deserving of the Galt Character Award for Respect for 2024.  
Please use the attached form, or email the information with details to Mari Martinez, a founding member of the Galt Community of Character Coalition, [email protected]
Be sure to include the following information: name, address and phone number of your nominee.
Write a brief explanation of how this person, group or organization demonstrates respect. Give examples, if possible. Also, give us your name, address, phone number and email.
Deadline for nomination is June 30.