Youth Commission Sets Plans for Holidays
Oct 17, 2024 09:42AM ● By Matthew MaloneGALT, CA (MPG) - The Galt Youth Commission on Oct. 7 laid out its plans to participate in several community events over the coming holidays, including a blanket drive, Thornton’s Christmas parade, Trick or Treat on 4th Street and Lighting of the Night.
The commission heard about the blanket drive, which collects blankets and warm clothes for older adults, from Commission on Aging Chair Libby Robinson. The two commissions have partnered on the project before. Robinson discussed the logistics of the drive, which focuses on residents at local nursing homes. When the collection is finished, Robinson plans to coordinate with the different locations to have the commissions’ representatives deliver the items.
Youth Commission Chair Kareena Lallian voiced interest in participating and the other commissioners agreed. They voted 12-0 to join the effort.
Robinson said barrels where members of the public can donate items are already at Coffee Shop Bakery, Café Latte Co. and Chabolla Community Center and there will be other places added.
Adult mentor Sharon Fjeldstad requested the Youth Commission’s participation in Thornton’s Christmas parade on Dec. 14, as the town attempts to liven up the event.
“It usually consists of just the fire department. Last year, we had a couple extra entries. So this year, we’re trying to ramp it up,” Fjeldstad said, explaining that a gathering before the parade at Thornton Community Center will feature snacks, coffee and hot chocolate. She hoped that commissioners’ involvement would help with youth engagement.
The commissioners voted 12-0 to lead a cookie-decorating activity. They set aside up to $100 for frosting and planned to seek donations for the cookies.
Other events added to the calendar were Trick or Treat on 4th Street on Oct. 26 and Lighting of the Night on Dec. 7. The commission traditionally hands out candy at both events, and it voted unanimously to budget $200 for the candy at each event.
Commissioners Elisa Fewell, Ginger Myrick-Smith, Alexis Ortega and Kaitlyn Cullers volunteered to plan decorations for the booth at Trick or Treat on 4th Street.
Commissioners agreed on a need for better planning after a fundraiser raffle they held at the Oct. 5 Saturday Market.
Adult Mentor Robert King asked the commissioners to consider their takeaways from the event, similar to one the commission has hosted at Eggstravganza/Kite Day.
Commissioner Gabrielle Akers said it would have been good to immediately draw up a list of necessary supplies, such as pop-up tents and raffle tickets. Some commissioners wanted more information on what items to get for the raffle baskets.
Lallian said it is important to account for the different attendance levels of the annual Eggstraganza compared to the monthly Saturday Market.
Despite the points for improvement, the fundraiser succeeded in raising $523 for the commission’s activities and scholarships. The adult mentors gave encouraging comments, and Lallian and Akers shared anecdotes about the excitement of children who won baskets.