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Galt Herald

Galt Comes Together at Community Dinner

Dec 26, 2024 10:55AM ● By Ramona Scarborough

Holiday celebrants and volunteers dish it up at the community meal. Photo by Chris Scarborough

Galt Comes Together at Community Dinner [7 Images] Click Any Image To Expand
GALT, CA (MPG) - Three days ahead of the Galt Community Dinner at the Littleton Center, the members of the Sunrise Rotary Club and other volunteers began preparing for the occasion. For 14 years, this event has brought the Galt community together to share a free meal. 
Last year, 1,500 people were served. Some 350 residents of senior complexes had dinners delivered to them. No food is wasted. If there are leftovers, the food goes to the Salvation Army. 
This year, food was collected from the Sunshine Food Pantry. Jerry Braxmeyer donated the money to purchase 100 turkeys. Rotary fundraisers contributed. Donations came from Walmart, Save Mart and Kirk Smith from The Velvet Grill, as well as private citizens who wanted to help.
On the day of the feast, turkeys were stuffed and roasted in a huge barbecue. Pedro Ramos kept the fire going. As soon as one batch of turkeys was cooked, more were added.
At 9 a.m., youth organizations, such as Interact, a branch of the Rotary Club for Galt High School students, Scout Troop 1119 and 4-H, began decorating the tables. Two Christmas trees bought from the Scouts were dismantled and the fronds graced the middle of the tables along with Christmas ornaments, candy and crayons for kids to color the paper placemats.
By 11:30 a.m., the kitchen was in full swing. The turkeys were being cut up; the green beans, mashed potatoes, gravy, and cranberry sauce prepared; and rolls and pumpkin pie with whipped cream readied.
Outside at noon, a line began forming. A group of women from the Senior Center said they heard about the dinner while playing bingo.
“I’ve been attending these dinners for 10 years,” DeAnna Nevins-Dean said. 
This was the first time Sherman and Candy Hayhurst had come. 
“Friends encouraged us to attend,” Candy said. 
When the doors opened at 1 p.m. the background Christmas music could hardly be heard over the buzz of friendly conversation. 
“Everybody is invited, all ages and nationalities,” Makesh Patel, past president of the Sunrise Rotary Club said. 
Later, Patel showed up as one of Santa’s elves while Rotary Club President-Elect and former City Councilor Rich Lozano played the role of Santa.  
City and school board members alongside members of the Galt Police served the meal from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
In shifts, the youths served drinks and slices of pie.
Grace Malson has served in every office for the Rotary Club and is presently treasurer for the group. She has helped with almost all the endeavors of the club. Malson tells about the history of the community meal. 
“Project Left, a soup kitchen for the homeless, was started by Kevin Harcourt,” Malson said. “For three years, this group provided meals, showers and clothing for approximately 350 people.” 
That was the start of a unifying Galt happening that now occurs every year. 
“Why couldn’t we do something like this for the whole community?” Winona Cassidy said.